I am testing CloudBerry Explorer for a larger project.
From the tool I can access my S3 bucket, list and copy objects.
I am having problems changing Storage Class of objects, when I try that I receive an 'Access Denied' error.
I am confident that my permissions are correct because I can successfully change Storage Class from aws cli:
aws s3 cp s3://<BUCKET>/<KEY> s3://<BUCKET>/<KEY> --storage-class STANDARD_IA
My assumption is that CloudBerry makes a different request to S3.
Is it possible to know what request is done or enable debug logs to view that?
I found what the problem was.
While in AWS CLI to change an object class it's enough 's3:GetObject' (beyond other stuff), CloudBerry does more things (not sure what) and it requires 's3:GetObject*'