I'm a new Linux user so I'd like that context to be known.
I've been attempting the past several days to get Cloudberry to backup all files on my external drive. It's skipping over hundreds of files (to B2) and I haven't been able to figure out why.
Today, I did some testing by changing all the file permissions to "bob:root 770", assuming that the reason files weren't being backed up was because permissions for the service weren't appropriate. Assuming the service runs at root, I assumed this would do it. The files I've changed have the permissions I assigned, but when I do a Restore, the permissions for the files that did get backed up aren't what I set them to and it still skipped over the other files. So...I have to assume the issue isn't caused by permissions.
I don't know what I don't know at this point but I've burned days on this issue and I can't figure out what to look at next. Advice would be immensely appreciated.