
  • .NET HttpClient issues
    Will follow up with ticket#253322
  • .NET HttpClient issues
    Is there a way to control the maximum number of connections/ports CloudBerryDriveHost.exe can use?
    Maybe we can tweak the Windows Registry for TCPIP for MaxUserPort and TcpTimedWaitDelay.

    Please advise if this is feasable:
    - shorten up the time connections "wait" before Windows really, really closes them. To do this, add the following HEX/DWORD entry to the local registry of your client system. By default, the implicit value is "120", which means a time out of 2 minutes. You can pick a value of TcpTimedWaitDelay down to "1", but a higher value is recommended.
    HKEY_LM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30 (decimal)
    - other TCPP parameters to tweak
    DisableIPSourceRouting = 2 (protects against packet spoofing)
    EnableDeadGWDetect = 0 (disable; to avoid certain DOS attacks)
    EnableICMPRedirect = 0 (disable; to avoid certain routing attacks)
    KeepAliveTime = 300000 (5 minutes; implicit default is 1 hour)
    TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 4 (implicit default is 5)
  • .NET HttpClient issues
    The issue is our server cannot communicate to the AD controller because the CloudBerryDriveHost.exe uses all available connections/ports.
    netstat -b shows CLOSE_WAIT on all ports
  • CloudBerry Drive 3.0
    Hi, couple questions.
    1. Where can we find the release notes of the latest version?
    What was fixed, optimized etc.

    2. Is there automated email notification when a new version is available?

    I just see this when I manually check for updates. I would like to know the details.
    The version number, bug fixes etc.
    Can you provide that information?
    CheckForUpdate (6K)