The Email address is only installed on one computer and the bucket is only used on one computer.
However, going back to the beginning for this end user's Email address:
Previously, he had another computer (let's name it 'first'), with CloudBerry MSP Cloud-Backup installed and it was backing up to the same bucket name.
Then, he purchased a new computer from me (let's name it 'second').
I uninstalled the backup software from the computer named 'first'.
I installed the backup software on the computer named 'second' using the same end user's email address and bucket name.
Note that the two computers have different computer names.
I intentionally did not remove the 'first' computer's name from the bucket as I wanted to retain it 'just in case'.
So, for maybe the past year, I had both 'first' and 'second' computers backed up to the same bucket.
Then, using a suggestion from someone else in these forums, I used CloudBerry Explorer to delete the data for the computer 'first'.
Then I connected remotely to the 'second' computer and did a 'sync' of the repository using the user interface.
Now, I have the issue where the space used is different - see my post from 8 days ago.