I am backing up a single file from Windows to a linux machine. It's working great but I need to get just the file I want backed up, in this case a .txt file, into the working directory on the linux machine.
So I need...
...backed up to
What is happening is I am getting the parent folder along with it so it looks like...
I have tried a "Custom Mode" backup but I still get the parent folder. I have also tried to select "Specified files of a certain type" and choose .txt but I still get the parent directory.
Is this possible? How can I just get the single file backed up and not the parent folder?
normally the backup format would not be an issue since it's in a proprietary backup format. But I'm guessing you have a completely different use case, and it would help to understand that a little bit better. Are you looking to just copy the file, leaving it in its native format, rather than a format that's specific to the backup product?
Correct, it's really just a SFTP file transfer to a linux box. But I didn't want to go into WinSCP\Putty etc when Cloudberry Backup supports the functions I need. Less apps to manage the better.
So yes, it's a file copy job that needs to happen every 15 minutes. The file sits on a Windows box, has the same name always, and needs to be copied to an assigned directory on a Linux box.
And I just need the file copied, no parent directories etc.
The only way to do this is to use the Simple backup mode. That's the only mode where the backup format would retain the source file as is. But I do not know if it's going to create the file in just a default folder or retain the folder structure. You'd have to test. https://help.msp360.com/cloudberry-backup/backup/cloud-to-cloud/step-5
Thanks! Yes, I have been using simple mode. Sadly, I have not found a way to exclude the parent folders and simply deposit the file in the backup destination. Looks like it's not supported.
I did some testing and you can accomplish what you want using "Custom" backup mode. With this mode, all files are placed in the destination folder in a flat format with no subfolders. I would uncheck NTFS Fast Scan to speed up the backup and uncheck VSS unless you need it because the source file may be in use.
Thanks for testing. Yes, have been using the custom mode. No matter what selections I make, I always get the parent directory that houses the file I need. Is there a way to select just the file and not the parent folder? See image.
You're having that issue because you are checking the parent folder and that causes the folder to be explicitly added for backup. Instead, you want to just check the file itself.
The interface automatically checks the parent folder when I select the single file. I have no way around it. I tried clicking with mouse, using the space bar, it always selects the parent folder along with it.
That's a bug and it's happening because you only have a single file in the folder. Add a second file - just a dummy file is fine and you should be able to select the file you need without triggering the parent folder.