We are trying to put together a solid DR plan for a small business, and we have a total of 7 servers that we will be backing up, and all together the data is about 2 TB.
I am aware of the 1 TB limit for the non-ultimate editions of CloudBerry Backup. However, only one of these machines would exceed this limit on its own, and the rest would stay under 1 TB.
Could we use a non-ultimate edition for those servers that don't exceed 1 TB of data and ultimate only for the machine that exceeds 1 TB? If I understand correctly, we need ultimate for all servers, but if I could get some clarification for our situation specifically, that would be much appreciated!
I read in another post that it's not the source that needs to be under 1 TB, but the amount of data in the target cloud storage that has to be under 1 TB.
We are looking for the most cost-effective solution, which is the reason we use BackBlaze B2 as our storage option.
So, if I'm not mistaken, only 1TB of data can be uploaded per license, and the total amount of data in B2 between all of our backups doesn't matter? If that is the case, that is great!
I had trouble finding the information on how the limit is totaled and applied and I filed a ticket to get clarification. First, today, the desktop edition limit is 5TB https://help.msp360.com/cloudberry-backup/overview/compare-editions . Each backup plan to the cloud is summed up, so for example I run 3 backup plans on one computer, each to a different bucket on a different server. The total across those is calculated and if it exceeds 5TB, backups are not allowed until I do something to reduce that total. I believe that it is the cloud total that matters, so with compression it could be less, and with versions backed up it could be more (relative to what is on the local disk that is being backing up).
The exception is backup plans to local file system. Backups to the local file system (including I'm pretty sure a local NAS that is part of your file system and not a local S3 server).
Backups to locally sited S3 such as Minio are considered cloud and are part of the 5TB limit, even if on the local LAN subnet.
I'm only posting this to help others looking for the same information. Hope it helps.
I have a file/Plex/torrent server @ home that I want to regularly backup (currently use CrashPlan but too expensive and too slow). There's about a total of 10TB of data. Why should I have to purchase the $300 Ultimate Edition when all I want to do is ensure I have my files backed up? I'm not interested in Restore to Cloud VM, Exchange or SQL Server backup.
I don't understand why an arbitrary limit has been set? It's not using MSP360 storage. The app is a backup client. :-(