2021-03-13 15:37:29,499729 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Request force run plan "{4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}". Request from id: {17b25f01-805a-402b-970c-e59ef447949f} 2021-03-13 15:37:29,500091 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Run plan: QUuid({4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}) Softconf Backup 2021-03-13 15:37:29,501025 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Plan started: QUuid({4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}) Softconf Backup 2021-03-13 15:37:29,523658 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] QUuid({4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}) :part: 0.cbl.log: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Rebranding: QMap((AllowCompression, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowConsole, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowEncryption, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowFileSystemAccount, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowRemoteConnection, QVariant(bool, false))(CompanyName, QVariant(QString, CloudBerry Lab))(ContactEmail, QVariant(QString, support@cloudberrylab.com))(CopyrightText, QVariant(QString, Copyright 2021 CloudBerry Lab Inc.))(DefaultUseCompression, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyBackupPlanEdit, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyRestoreWizardOpening, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyStorageMenuItemDelete, QVariant(bool, false))(ProductName, QVariant(QString, CloudBerry Backup))(S3Accelerate, QVariant(bool, true))(S3StorageClass, QVariant(QString, STANDARD))(SSE, QVariant(bool, false))(SignUpEnabled, QVariant(bool, false))(WebSite, QVariant(QString, http://www.cloudberrylab.com/))(showS3Accelerate, QVariant(bool, false))(showSIA, QVariant(bool, true))(showSSE, QVariant(bool, true))) 2021-03-13 15:37:33,518977 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] QUuid({4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}) Softconf Backup : Listing Process: 2021-03-13 15:37:33,519013 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] 2021-03-13 15:37:33,519027 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] End Listing : Status: QProcess::ExitStatus(NormalExit) code 0
2021-03-13 15:33:12,678559 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Request force run plan "{7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}". Request from id: {f164ae0f-3f40-4642-9f32-9a43d81c528d} 2021-03-13 15:33:12,678938 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Run plan: QUuid({7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}) Restore plan on 3/13/21 3:28 PM 2021-03-13 15:33:12,679629 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Plan started: QUuid({7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}) Restore plan on 3/13/21 3:28 PM 2021-03-13 15:33:12,701246 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] QUuid({7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}) :part: 0.cbl.log: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Rebranding: QMap((AllowCompression, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowConsole, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowEncryption, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowFileSystemAccount, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowRemoteConnection, QVariant(bool, false))(CompanyName, QVariant(QString, CloudBerry Lab))(ContactEmail, QVariant(QString, support@cloudberrylab.com))(CopyrightText, QVariant(QString, Copyright 2021 CloudBerry Lab Inc.))(DefaultUseCompression, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyBackupPlanEdit, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyRestoreWizardOpening, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyStorageMenuItemDelete, QVariant(bool, false))(ProductName, QVariant(QString, CloudBerry Backup))(S3Accelerate, QVariant(bool, true))(S3StorageClass, QVariant(QString, STANDARD))(SSE, QVariant(bool, false))(SignUpEnabled, QVariant(bool, false))(WebSite, QVariant(QString, http://www.cloudberrylab.com/))(showS3Accelerate, QVariant(bool, false))(showSIA, QVariant(bool, true))(showSSE, QVariant(bool, true))) 2021-03-13 15:33:16,919322 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] QUuid({7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}) Restore plan on 3/13/21 3:28 PM : Listing Process: 2021-03-13 15:33:16,919358 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] 2021-03-13 15:33:16,919371 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] End Listing : Status: QProcess::ExitStatus(NormalExit) code 0 2021-03-13 15:33:16,920248 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] PlanFinishedReport: planId: {7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28} << planName: Restore plan on 3/13/21 3:28 PM error
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