• Rob Weir
    Could someone confirm what the support for Glacier is in 7.0? The Cloudberry 7.0 information says:

    "Synthetic Full Backup Support for File, Image-based, VMware backups in the new backup format. Supported storage providers: Amazon S3 (except S3 Glacier and Deep Archive), Microsoft Azure, Backblaze B2, Wasabi, S3-compatible storage (depends on the storage provider)"

    Does this mean that synthetic full backup is not supported with Glacier (but legacy backup modes are still supported with Glacier)? Or does it indicate that Glacier is altogether no longer supported?

    I did upgrade to 7.0 (Windows) and am now getting errors for my Glacier backups, including "Amazon Glacier is not anymore supported as a backup destination."
  • MerleOne
    Hi, the trick seems to be that Amazon S3 Glacier is supported but not Amazon Glacier (the previous version). This is an issue for me because I cannot modify any longer a plan that was using Amazon Glacier. Amazon Glacier is not compatible with the new backup format but previously created jobs are still using the old backup format so I don't understand why CBB V7 blocks this destination (for older plans). Anyone ? Thanks !
  • Rob Weir
    What I see is this: My existing backup plans that save to Amazon Glacier vaults appear to still run, at least for backup. (I have not tried a restore since upgrading to CB 7.0).

    But, if I try to edit one of these plans it will not let me continue past the second screen of the wizard. It gives me an error: "Amazon Glacier is not anymore supported as a backup destination."

    It will be interesting to see if the new backup format, with Wasabi, can price out reasonably close to Glacier with the old CB backup format.
  • MerleOne
    Hi again, just thinking out loud (not sure about the actual meaning...) : it is easy/not costly to move a backup set from Glacier to Glacier S3 ?
  • David Gugick
    Glacier is supported for those who were asking. Instead of using Glacier Direct (likein the old version), you simply register your S3 storage, and select Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive as the Storage Class on the Compression / Encryption options tab in the Backup Wizard.

    You can also continue to use your old plans that targeted Glacier directly. You can also re-enable the legacy storage accounts if needed following this article: https://kb.msp360.com/standalone-backup/general/obsolete-storage-destinations
  • MerleOne

    Thanks for the reply. And the link.
    But I think it doesn't solve the question "how to modify some backup plan parameters when the destination is obsolete and not change the destination". When I edit such a backup plan, the first message I get is that the destination is no longer supported and removes it from the edition".
  • David Gugick
    Follow the directions I posted to re-enable the legacy storage destinations and let me know if that fixes the issue for you.
  • MerleOne
    Hi, it doesn't work, I have changed the required setting "ShowAllAccounts" into true but when I try to edit a backup plan that uses an obsolete account (Amazon Glacier), CBB still protests and removes the current destination. I tried to stop & relaunch the CBB service (and the application also) but it changes nothing. Issue still here I am afraid. I see the fix you are referring to seems to be related to restore plans, not backup plans.
  • David Gugick
    I'll have to check with support. I'll report back when I hear back from them.
  • David Gugick
    Currently, the answer from support is that Glacier Direct is no longer supported, except in the case of an existing backup which can continue to be used in 7.0. However, editing of those legacy plans is not supported. I am still waiting to hear from the engineering team to see if this was planned and a necessary limitation or if there is some way to edit.

    Our recommendation is to plan to move new S3 Glacier storage class. Here are differences: https://kb.msp360.com/cloud-vendors%2Famazon-aws%2Fs3-glacier-legacy-glacier-difference
  • MerleOne
    Hi, Thanks for the clarification. Then, is there an easy way & cheap way to move the data from Glacier to S3 Glacier, so the plan doesn('t have to upload again the full set of files ? I do have a license for CloudBerry S3 Explorer, I just don't know how to proceed so the next backup is an incremental one and not a full one...
  • MerleOne
    Hmm, I realize I am not that clear. Say my Glacier Backup contains files A and B, I would like to move them to S3 Glacier repository so that, when C is a new file to be uploaded, on S3 Glacier, just C is uploaded and not A & B which are already up to date.
  • David Gugick
    You cannot move files without first copying them to S3 for staging (by initiating a restore) or working with Amazon to have the files moved at their end (assuming they do that). And since Glacier is designed for archiving and not general access, you may find that an expensive proposition. The best (and likely least expensive) way to is to back up file again to S3 Glacier. You can leave the existing Glacier backups in place as long as needed. To avoid backing up old files which are already securely in Glacier, you can use one of the backup "Modified Date" or "Day" filters to ensure you are only backing up files that were changed more recently.

    I would not do as you suggested in your post and use Explorer to copy the files. If you are not aware of Glacier restore costs, I would hit up the AWS Calculator and type in some numbers: https://calculator.aws/#/

    As an example, you could find a charge of more than $150 to export 1 TB of data from Glacier to your local machine.
  • MerleOne
    Hi, thanks a lot for looking into it and especially for using the AWS Calc which is not very simple ... The restoration price from Glacier is a very convincing argument ! I'll go for the new direct backup to S3 Glacier while leaving the old data on Glacier in place, maybe deleting in a while (just in case, I'll check the deletions costs, hoping I manage to get something from this calc, it's definitely more complex than my old HP RPN calculator...).
  • David Gugick
    Feel free to ask questions about the calculator. I am no expert using it, and agree that it can be very confusing, or at least unclear about what number should be typed in where. But if you have questions feel free to ask them and I'll try to answer them here.
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