I have intentionally unchecked the 'Run missed scheduled plan immediately when computer starts up' because I really don't want or need it to do that when the computer is waking from sleep. However, it appears that 'wake' is not treated as 'starts up' and the missed schedule runs regardless, which is not what I want. If this is the case, perhaps a sub-setting could be added to disable running on wake ?
I am experiencing this problem on two different computers, both have been shutdown previously rather than in sleep mode. I suspect that powering on within 24 hours of the scheduled task time, might be a trigger.
I logged a case, but the level 1 support person was only interested in me sending the logs, which I will not do, and not interested in this forum post suggesting it was an existing problem, or the information I provided. I see there is a new version available ( so I will see if that fixes this problem.
7.0 has not yet addressed the issue. Support has added your comments to the working item and I will follow up and try to get the change expedited. I'll reply back if I get any additional information. Thanks.