Do you mean a native agent to back up those operating systems? If so, I do not think so. In the meantime you can back up any NAS by simply exposing a network share and backing up the files themselves.
Yes, I mean a native agent. We have customers with FreeNAS units and there we can´t offer MSP360 backup.
I would generally suggest to improve the linux/unix support of the backup software. Esspecially in time of ransomware heterogeneous infrastucture is becomeing more and more popular. Lot´s of customer are using AD and MS-Exchange but want a different system e.g. as fileserver.
I know this, but we are using FreeNAS in a more coprehensive way.
For example, as NFS/iSCSI storage for VmWare, certain customers as object storage or with extensive jail use.
Backup of these systems can´t be done with samba share. Currently we are using Rsync Tasks and the inbuild Cloud Sync Tasks feature which is working quit well, but we cannot centrally manage the backup plans and storage. That´s the problem.