• Paul Storic
    I've been using Cloudberry backup server edition for years now to backup a clients folders to Backblaze B2 but as of a few weeks ago I started receiving the error that "Credentials specified for the network resource are invalid" which is odd because I can log into the server and run the backup manually and it will complete. Anyone else seeing this error?

  • David Gugick
    What locations are you backing up? Is it just fixed disks or are you backing up network shares? Can you confirm the version you are using? What account are you running the backup service under and does it have full access to all locations?
  • Paul Storic
    The version I'm using is Cloudberry Backup Ultimate

    I'm backing up local folders from the server and folders from a Synology that's domain-joined. The credentials I'm using for the backup task are the domain admin creds so it has full access to everything but I can see it's complaining about them on the "backup plans" tab within Cloudberry.


    What's strange is that I can click "Check and specify the correct credentials to access the network resource" and they test out ok. I re-entered them anyway and tested them and again they test out good so I'm not sure what the problem us here. It's been working for years now and I haven't changed any credentials recently.
  • David Gugick
    I'll ask the team. Stay tuned.
  • Paul Storic
    I just did the manual backup by hitting the play button and it completed with no errors. It seems to be the scheduled ones that are giving the error.
  • Anton T

    "The credentials I'm using for the backup task are the domain admin creds so it has full access to everything"

    Do you mean the credentials you use to run the Backup Service or the credentials you've specified for the NAS while adding it? Just to make sure, could you please check what account is used to run the Backup Service? Please go to Tools/Change Service Account. If you have it set to "Local System Account", please change it to your administrator account and click OK. The Service will be restarted automatically.

    Check if the scheduled backup runs OK after that or not. If the issue persists, we will require the diagnostic logs for further investigation here:

    Go to Tools > Diagnostics in the program menu. In the opened window click Send button. The logs will be sent to our support team automatically. This will help us diagnose and troubleshoot the issue. Please add "Logs for ticket #309055" to the issue description.

    Please put the link to this Forum thread into the description of the logs.
  • Stratos Misinezis
    Hello All. I am having almost the same problem with 2 customers. Both of them having Synology NAS. After 2 months of backup suddenly CBB decided that the credentials for the network resource are invalid thus backup of network folder is fail with error " Network resource cannot be accessed (code: 1513). I deleted mapped drives that I was doing backup and changed the plan using network storage and synology administrator credentials. CBB did one backup and then the same problem is appeared. In my opinion there is something wrong with the latest CBB update.
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