I have been given an option to spend a further $40 to upgrade what I thought was current (they say it's an older version) since I pay maintenance on CBB Server to the BareMetal version.
I need to be able to backup my NAS to an S3 based service.
Has anyone got any thoughts or advise if the upgrade is a worthwhile option.
The old "server" version has been deprecated about 5 years ago, I believe, so, yeah, this is a pretty old edition of the app.
You can still download the latest version and use it with your license, but it'll be without image-based backups. All other options will stay the same.
I have been given a link to perform an upgrade (for $40), but have to release my existing license, which I have. Now when I return to that site it reports that the license has been disabled, so I'm left with nothing to use now, cannot use my existing solution as I have no valid license anymore and cannot upgrade for the very same reason.