I have scheduled a consistency check on one of my backups every Sunday. Today it could not be run and it's marked as "Skipped" on the history tab. That's as it should be.
On the Welcome tab > Storage Accounts, however, consistency check for this particular account is said to have been run today and it's marked with a green check mark. That indicates successful completion, which was not the case.
. that's the right place, correct.
I just tried to reproduce it to file it in the system but in my test environment, it worked normally.
Could you please click on Tools -> Diagnostic -> Paste the link to this thread to the comment field -> send to Support.
We'll check your settings and try to reproduce accordingly.
We have received the diagnostics - much appreciated!
Additionally, kindly provide us a screenshot showing the consistency check for the storage account "Local Backup" reported on the Welcome tab as successful for October 27th.
You can do it either here or in the support ticket. Thanks in advance!
Thank you very much for providing us the additional info. We have reproduced the issue and passed the results to our R&D team. Thank you so much, we have also followed you up in the support ticket you have opened.