We are using Cloudberry Drive to access our geospatial data in Wasabi storage. According to Wasabi, there is no limit to volume size. However it appears that when we create a bucket through Cloudberry Explorer, the default file system is NTFS and the maximum volume size is 128TB. A single feature layer is going to exceed 128TB.
Can we specify the file system to be ReFS? ReFS can support larger volume sizes.
Can we change the cluster size to 64KB so NTFS can support up to 256TB? Or is 128TB the absolute maximum volume size?
Hi and welcome to our forum.
This is actually a fictional legacy limitation. The software needs to report some size of the volume and we've chosen 128TB.
You can actually upload more and 256TB will also work.
The only limitation is the upload file size - 128TB per file.
Thanks Denis! One further question. When you said we can upload more. Is the absolute maximum volume size 256TB? or is it larger? I did some rough calculations and a single data layer is approximately 450TB. Our preference would be to store a data layer in a single bucket if possible.