ON VARITAION ORDER-SANITARY.pdf ; Destination:/rlbaefs01/CBB_RLBDPM/$Jobs/18 2023/01 Dubai/231027 - DWC Luxury Residences/01 Cost Management/01 Estimates/1. Concept Estimate/3. PO/ANTONIO LUPI-SANITARY/REV.01-VO1- 2.ОФЕРТА -обновена и подписана на 08_12_2022/RECEIPT 2022-L00583 ADV.80
ON VARITAION ORDER-SANITARY.pdf$/20230617073746/
CloudBerryLab.Base.Exceptions.BadRequestException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request. ---> System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Reque
meaning, that in files' names there are some characters, that are not supported by Azure storage provider. This could cause the backup hanging. There are 2 workarounds for such situation:
1. Navigate to the Backup History tab, find files, that are generating this error and exclude such files and all similar once from the backup source;
2. Use New Backup format: https://help.msp360.com/cloudberry-backup/backup/about-backups/new-backup-format