I am one day into my trial of Cloudberry Backup Personal for Linux, and am impressed so far. This is one of three posts regarding problems I'm encountering.
The files I am backing up include several symbolic links that are broken -- their targets do not exist. When CBB encounters them, it triggers an "Access denied" error. Because of this, the result of the whole backup is "Failed" and an email message is generated to that effect even though the backup is otherwise fine.
In my settings I've left symlink action at "Back up symlinks only". With that setting, I believe CBB should be backing up the symlinks even though they are broken, and then restore them as is.
Two of the symlinks are in ~/.config/microsoft-edge, and appear to be required. I moved them somewhere else temporarily, and Microsoft Edge did not open properly, so they are being used for something. The other is /var/agentx -> /run/agentx, which seems to have something to do with SNMP. Probably I can delete that one.
I also can't instruct CBB to skip these links. The Backup Source file tree in the plan does not show the broken symbolic links. Skipping all symbolic links in Settings is also not an option because there are plenty that are important.