On CloudBerry Explorer for Mac, it's easy to see the size of folders on Backblaze B2 cloud storage (just right-click the folder in CloudBerry Explorer, and click Properties).
I don't see any way to see the size of a folder or produce a capacity report on the Mac version? Am I missing something, or does the Mac version just lack these features?
Did you mean to write above that it's easy to see the size on Explorer for Windows, but you can see that on Mac Explorer? If so I'm guessing it's just a feature limitation.
Something strange for you to test. Can you try pressing the SPACEBAR on the keyboard when the folder is selected and tell me what happens. Might be nothing...
Hey, that works! After I press space bar, the folder says show "calculate" for a few seconds then displays the size. I don't suppose there's a way to see the total number of files under a folder, is there? Thanks for the space bar trick!
I don't think so. I just managed to find that shortcut in some of our internal documentation. I can ask the team if there's any other metadata that can be made available.