Hello. Earlier today I purchased an annual license for CloudBerry Backup for Windows. I then made a separate purchase for a maintenance license. When I login to the CloudBerry Central portal, I see both purchases (1 on the Licenses tab and 1 on the Maintenance tab), as well, as the invoices. However, when I look at the details of the CloudBerry Backup for Windows purchase, it states that the product has no active maintenance contract (the Maintenance Till tab show the word Purchase in green). Also, I get an error message on the screen when I try to attach my maintenance contract purchase to the software purchase. Can a member of the support team let me know if this issue is normal? Or is there a way for me to fix this issue? Thanks.
Support doesn't monitor these forums. You need to reach out to support directly from the link below for the Support Portal. They will be able to assist you. https://support.msp360.com/
In the meantime, you will be able to use the software without any issues, and upgrade versions as needed.