Is there a way to rescan the availability of backups after an image restore operation?
Here is what happened a while back when I had to restore the image from the cloud:
1. We have a server under management, which has a scheduled backup of image once a week (on Saturdays) and file backup on a daily basis
2. Server crashed on Tuesday (23-Nov)
3. We reinstalled Windows and the Online Backup agent
4. We successfully restored the image that we had backed up on the previous Saturday (20-Nov)
5. Since the image was taken on Saturday, the backup agent wouldn't know about any other backups taken after that Saturday, but we knew we had our files backed up on Sunday and Monday (21-Nov and 22-Nov).
In the end, we ended up downloading the files separately from the storage provider.
However, to avoid such situations in the future, I would like to know if there is a way to avoid such a situation or re-scan the backup repository.
Either from the server console or the MBS portal, select Options: Repository, then select the cloud/ local storage that you want and synchronize it. This will update the repository such that a file restore will get the most current backup data.
Thanks for the quick response. Please confirm whether I am getting it right or not:
In the Online Backup software: Options > Repository > Synchronize Backup
I still can't figure out how to do it from the MBS portal though.
Under the Remote Management tab, where the devices are listed, you will see a gear with a drop down arrow. Select Edit : Edit options and you can do a repo sync.