Hi. I would like to know if the following behavior is normal, if it is the standard way of CBB of using the Minio APIs. I run CBB on MacOS 10.11.6 (El Capitane) and backup to Minio server.
Thanks in advance for any hints.
First I must say that according to the CBB client application, all the backups are successful!! Similarly I can restore the files as well. However when I look at the Minio server logs, there are tons of Minio error messages for the back up part.
For some files it starts with a series of PutObject "no such file or directory" messages like this one:
API: PutObject(bucket=miniotest, object=CBB_imac-sylvain.local/Users/sylvain/Pictures/Photos de Sylvain/2018/Printemps Mars-Mai/Visitation/Visitation-4025046.xmp:/20180402201719/Visitation-4025046.xmp)
Time: 17:34:12 EDT 05/06/2018
RemoteHost: ******
UserAgent: CloudBerry Backup (2.4) (http://www.cloudberrylab.com/)
Error: stat /media/zefotojr/My Book/Minio/miniotest/CBB_imac-sylvain.local/Users/sylvain/Pictures/Photos de Sylvain/2018/Printemps Mars-Mai/Visitation/Visitation-4025046.xmp:/20180402201719: no such file or directory
Then it is followed by a series of PutObject "file access denied" messages:
API: PutObject(bucket=miniotest, object=CBB_imac-sylvain.local/Users/sylvain/Pictures/Photos de Sylvain/2018/Printemps Mars-Mai/Visitation/Visitation-4025046.xmp:/20180402201719/Visitation-4025046.xmp)
Time: 17:34:12 EDT 05/06/2018
RemoteHost: ***********
UserAgent: CloudBerry Backup (2.4) (http://www.cloudberrylab.com/)
Error: file access denied
Also there are CompleteMultipartUpload file access denied messages as well. Surprisingly this type of error messages seem to happen only for a specific file type (.ORF: Olympus Raw photo format), like the following one:
API: CompleteMultipartUpload(bucket=miniotest, object=CBB_imac-sylvain.local/Users/sylvain/Pictures/Photos de Sylvain/2018/Printemps Mars-Mai/Visitation/Visitation-4025039.ORF:/20180402175516/Visitation-4025039.ORF)
Time: 17:34:48 EDT 05/06/2018
RemoteHost: *************
UserAgent: CloudBerry Backup (2.4) (http://www.cloudberrylab.com/)
Error: file access denied
From what I see, the access denied errors originate on the Minio server side. Seems like there is a misconfiguration of some kind - the Minio software is not able to create a new file on the storage.
There are no settings in CloudBerry Backup that would affect permissions in this regard.
I guess the Minio service runs under an account that is not capable of (some) write operations.
There's also no special treatment for .ORF files or any other specific file format - not sure if the Minio software has any.
"no such file or directory" seems to be a consequence of failed write - Minio could not create a file so it could not find it later.
Hi Caleb and thank you for the follow up. I will explore the Minio/Account permissions avenue although I did "chown'ed" the Minio HDD to the same account under which Minio is running. However, as I mentioned before, what I find strange is that despite these "no such file or directory" and "file acces denied" Minio error messages, the directory ARE created and the files copied on Minio server. I can see them via the Minio web access, and I can restore them from CBB client application. So in some shape or form the whole process works, and CBB reports a "success" for the whole backup plan and for each file individually.
Hi. Just wanted to provide an update on this. I updated my Minio server to the latest version and the error messages disappeared. The issue was apparently related to the version I was using. Thanks.