Looking for a way to know if one of our clients has modified a backup plan from the local console at their site. We still allow backup plan modifications from the console, as there are some features that cannot be set from the portal (yet).
Concern is that if one of our clients changes the backup settings or messes something up, we have no away of knowing that they logged in or what they did.
Something as simple as an email that states that someone loggined into the Local backup console would be enough for us as in our case it would be an infrequent occurrence.
Others might want something more specific, i.e. that a backup plan was modified.
Thank you for sharing your feedback with us.
We sincerely appreciate it because it helps us build a better product.
I will address a request for this feature to our dev team to put it on our roadmap.
Thank you once again. We appreciate your time and your input.