• David Chambers
    Testing between two computers on my private network ( firewall allowing access) with full control. Encountered partial control. Open apps and difficult to access window minimise close, start Edge browser and cannot close due to close X being inaccessible, going to task manager cannot select Edge
    to end tasks. Previous Teamviewer access gives complete control. Cannot see how I am going wrong.
    Event: Tue, Mar 18, 4:00 AMWeekly0
  • David Chambers
    Added info. Have Windows 10 ver 2004 on both computers. Find I can overcome window issues in Full screen mode, including closing Edge. However if I start the app Ccleaner on the remote computer the session freezes. Current overcome buy disconnect and re-connect and closing Ccleaner from the Task bar, cannot be closed within app.
  • David Chambers
    So Ccleaner is proving a problem not found in Teamviewer remote control. To make sure of no clash I uninstalled Teamviewer and Cloudberry, restarted then installed Cloudberry Remote Assistant.
  • David Gugick
    I'll ask the team to check that software.

    Can you verify if CCleaner is triggering a UAC prompt on the remote PC when it runs? Can you confirm whether you are using the QuickSupport option on the remote PC or are you using the full Remote Assistant on both ends?
  • David Chambers
    Thanks for response David. No UAC prompt on remote PC and yes Quick support on remote. I can add that the freeze can be unlocked by getting remote user to close Ccleaner. Additionally the same freeze occurs when opening Task Manager on remote, same unlock method. ie Ccleaner and Task Manager cannot be controlled from master PC. Possibly other actions are similar, not yet discovered.
    Having used Teamviewer for many years this is disappointing. I am trying to move from Teamviewer because they regularly block and a pain to get unblocked.
  • Sergey N
    I would suggest trying Unattended Access instead of QuickSupport, or at least executing QS from a properly elevated account.
  • David Chambers
    What is a properly elevated account? Unattanded access is not an option.
    Many thanks.
  • David Chambers
    I have checked elevated account enabling. If this is to be set on remote computer with QS it to is a non option for unskilled retired people I use to help with their computers. Not sure if I could enable under remote control, mat lock/freeze as in other cases..
  • David Chambers
    Starting to look like this software is not as easy to use supporting remote users as Teamviewer is. That is a pity Do not need work arounds.
  • Sergey N
    Hello David,

    Those are not our software limitations, more of a system one.
  • Tara
    I would also like to know if this is something that is being looked into currently. I was going to start my own post but finally found this one which is exactly what I'm experiencing! Besides the UAC issue, there are times when the screen is just not accessible/clickable to me using Quick Support, however, I am able to ask the client to click on things and they can do it just fine. But that shouldn't be. It's like they wind up doing the work! LOL! My clients are also elder seniors and I can't be asking them to click here and click there. Also, installing the full program is not an option as I'd need to instruct them to do it over the phone!
  • Irv Spalten
    I'm hitting the same 'freezing' problem.

    I'm frozen, varies by what I try to do. Even if I ask the end user to do something, I do not get the function back to do anything? All I can do is END the session on the top bar and reconnect. If there is a UAC prompt happening, I can't see it, and possibly the client end didn't see it either, not sure.

    I'll assume this is a QuickSupport problem?

    What I had to do was reconnect (after the 3rd time) and install another Remote Desktop program on my next connection. Prefer Remote Desktop though.

    I didn't think of running the Quick client in Administrator mode? Will this be a via able workaround? Either I could do it on a connect and then reconnect telling the user to close it and reopen it?
  • Tara
    How would you run it from the client's end in Administrator mode when it's already running (being that you're already connected)?
  • Irv Spalten

    I would think on the first connect I could change the DESKTOP icon setting to be RUN AS ADMINISTOR. That will cause it be run like that the next time. Of course the USER would have to accept that before it ran. If that is what the problem is, it would be 'fixed'. All I need do is tell the other person to close the connection and re-open it. I'd reconnect, and, again, if that was the problem, it might work?

    Never tried it, but will the next time I use it. Otherwise I'd install the full product on the PC, show the user how to allow connection, and disconnect closing the existing connection. Some people using the full product connection client have no freezing problems.
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