• Don P
    I noticed CBB was running 100% cpu on one of my machines, so I launched the app to see what it was doing.

    version has.... No backup plans listed, and no history by plan or by files.

    When was the last time it worked? Who knows.

    I've killed the cbbLocalManagement process several times, it keeps restarting and immediately zooming to 95%+ cpu.
  • Don P
    Last successful runs were on March 7th.
    Rebooting didn't fix anything, cbbLocalManagement still hits 100% cpu usage. It is at 22:22.61 cpu time and I've only been rebooted for 30 minutes at this point.

    The app no longer shows any of my backup plans, I have no idea where they went but I had set up like 20 of them.
  • Don P
    The only error in the localdaemon.log is from when I force quit the service in Activity Monitor

    2020-03-16 12:50:55,795459 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Overdue plan, run missed is disabled name:  Music (B2) id: QUuid({ec5928dd-012c-48f3-abbd$
    2020-03-16 12:50:55,795801 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Update plan full shedule name:  Music (B2) id: QUuid({ec5928dd-012c-48f3-abbd-d3ef36462a4$
    2020-03-16 12:50:55,889912 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Local managment service connected
    2020-03-16 12:50:55,917493 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Overdue plan, run missed is disabled name:  Dropbox (B2) id: QUuid({54a1e12d-de5c-4a2a-a4$
    2020-03-16 12:50:55,917743 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Update plan full shedule name:  Dropbox (B2) id: QUuid({54a1e12d-de5c-4a2a-a44d-cc55329aa$
    2020-03-16 12:57:47,685935 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 3 ] Notification manager stopped
    2020-03-16 12:57:47,696208 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 6 ] Schedule thread stopped
    2020-03-16 12:57:47,705869 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Notification manager removed
    2020-03-16 12:57:47,728401 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Event manager removed
    2020-03-16 12:57:47,754996 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] MacSleepControl thread stopped
    2020-03-16 12:57:47,775907 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 5 ] Config manager stopped
    2020-03-16 12:57:47,913499 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Config manager removed
    2020-03-16 12:57:48,009519 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 4 ] Event manager stopped
    2020-03-16 12:57:48,023595 [ERROR]:
      /}_{\           /.-'
     ( a a )-.___...-'/
     ==._.==         ;
          \ i _..._ /,
          {_;/   {_//
    The app has been shut down unexpectedly, please contact Support. Signal:11
    2020-03-16 12:59:28,670099 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Local Management Started, version
    2020-03-16 12:59:28,673494 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Success get lock
    2020-03-16 12:59:28,674045 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Use sqlite database
    2020-03-16 12:59:28,696700 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Notification manager init
    2020-03-16 12:59:28,696755 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] MacSleepControl thread started
    2020-03-16 12:59:28,696833 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 3 ] Notification manager started
    2020-03-16 12:59:28,697025 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Event manager init
    2020-03-16 12:59:28,697116 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 4 ] Event manager running
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,702554 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Config manager init
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,702695 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 5 ] Config manager started
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,703168 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 6 ] Schedule thread started
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,703368 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 7 ] Local Manager thread started
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,703594 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Plan Manager thread started
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,719012 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Overdue plan, run missed is disabled name:  Music (B2) id: QUuid({ec5928dd-012c-48f3-abbd$
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,719361 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Update plan full shedule name:  Music (B2) id: QUuid({ec5928dd-012c-48f3-abbd-d3ef36462a4$
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,721374 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Overdue plan, run missed is disabled name:  Dropbox (B2) id: QUuid({54a1e12d-de5c-4a2a-a4$
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,721610 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Update plan full shedule name:  Dropbox (B2) id: QUuid({54a1e12d-de5c-4a2a-a44d-cc55329aa$
    2020-03-16 12:59:31,950635 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Local managment service connected
  • Don P
    The gui log has some warnings but no details:

    2020-03-16 10:41:07,262499 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] GUI Application start, version
    2020-03-16 10:41:07,476770 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Data thread started
    2020-03-16 10:41:07,477023 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Notification manager init
    2020-03-16 10:41:07,477150 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 3 ] Notification manager started
    2020-03-16 10:41:08,477735 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Local managment service connected
    2020-03-16 10:41:09,804752 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Check license OK
    2020-03-16 10:45:34,639948 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:34,640062 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:35,636610 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:35,636655 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:36,137526 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Local managment service disconnected
    2020-03-16 10:45:36,637087 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:36,637185 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:37,636290 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:37,636362 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:38,634959 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:38,635010 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:39,635475 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:39,635534 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:40,634126 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:40,634179 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:41,637725 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:41,637774 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:42,638062 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:42,638170 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:43,637027 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:43,637068 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:44,634334 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:44,634395 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:45,637297 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:45,637338 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
    2020-03-16 10:45:46,635808 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Exceeded the number of attempt
    2020-03-16 10:45:46,635884 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 2 ] Don't send notification
  • Don P
    There are only 3 lines in the out.err file:

    2020-03-16 12:57 cbbLocalManagement[99172] (FSEvents.framework) dispose_f2d_private_port: ERROR: f2d_unregister_rpc() => (ipc/mig) server d$
    2020-03-16 12:57 cbbLocalManagement[99172] (FSEvents.framework) FSEventStreamStop(): failed assertion 'streamRef->f2d_private_port != MACH_$
    2020-03-16 12:57 cbbLocalManagement[99172] (FSEvents.framework) streamRef->cfRunLoopSourceRef != NULL || streamRef->event_source != NULL():$
  • Don P
    I've disabled the cloudberry-backup and cloudberry-backupWA launch daemons to disable the services and keep it from spinning my system. Of course now I don't have any backups running...
  • David Gugick
    I've sent this over to the support team to have a look. Somebody should reply to the post by tomorrow.
  • Matt
    Better to send us the diagnostic information via the application menu, since Mac and Linux products have dedicated support team.
  • Don P
    Have tried multiple times, the feedback UI just spins after clicking 'send'.

    This most recent attempt has been spinning for 5 minutes.
  • Matt

    Ok, got it. Please create the log archive locally by this command(please note case sensitivity):
    "/Applications/CloudBerry Backup.app/Contents/MacOS/cbb" saveLog -p ~

    The archive file will be placed in the home directory of the user currently logged in.
    Please create a ticket regarding the problem and send the archive to us attached (if it is too large - upload to any file hosting and send us download link).
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