• Steve Putnam
    I get that you do not post minor updates on the Main MBS Dashboard, but I have become dependent upon this forum to divulge the minor release details.
  • Matt
    I'll have to discuss this with R&D on our bi-weekly meeting. I'll have more info by the middle of the next week.
  • Steve Putnam
    I see that there are some Release Notes for this new version on the MBS Help Site.
    Backup Agent for Windows 6.2 (25-Sep-2019)
    - Item-level restore for MS Exchange 2013/2016/2019 (beta)
    - Restore VMDK or VHDX from VMware/Hyper-V backup
    - Bandwidth throttling across all plans
    - Real-time improvements (support of Shared folders, NAS storage, Microsoft Office files)

      Can you elaborate on the changes/Improvements made to Realtime Backup?
      Also - it appears that the "Realtime Backup" actually "runs" every 15 minutes. Is it actually capturing all file changes in the interim, such that if a single file had multiple versions saved in the 15 minute interval that it would upload all of the those versions? If not, then why would I not just have the backup run every five minutes,and also allows me to specify the timeframe (e.g. 8am to 7pm) that I want the plan to run?
  • Matt
    Real-time plans didn't work on network shares properly, so we fixed that. Same can be said about locally shared folders and opened Office files. In the latter case the problem was caused by temp files behavior.

    Is it actually capturing all file changes in the interim, such that if a single file had multiple versions saved in the 15 minute interval that it would upload all of the those versions? If not, then why would I not just have the backup run every five minutes,and also allows me to specify the timeframe (e.g. 8am to 7pm) that I want the plan to run?Steve Putnam
    Only the latest change performed during that 15 minute period is picked up by the software. You can change that interval by modifying enginesettings.list file and modifying <RTBBackupInterval> string.
  • Mike Drechsler
    Did the email notifications get removed out of the client side?

    I pushed the update and the email notification options in the backup job is no longer there. I do not see any mention of this being removed.
  • Matt
    For MBS clients this is the expected behavior since everything is configured via the web dashboard.
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