Appliance for MSP360? Hi,
basically I would like to have a webbased appliance, where I can manage all backups of a local environment. In the MSP web application I get a list of appliances with it's plans instead of a list of all client where the backup software is installed.
If a server (virtual or physical) crashes/get destroyed I only need the applicance, enter the credentials and I see all backups crated locally, or in the cloud. The I can directly start the recovery process for any virtual machine.
On security side and more or less read only appliance with totally different credentials to login would also protect the environment against ransomare. And yes, object-lock on the backup destination for a certain time would be great.
Our usually backup sceario looks the following way: We have a dedicated W11 computer which only runs MSP360, not part of any domain, with separate credentials. Than we have a local NAS, also not part of any domain, with separate credentials. There we have our local backup. For offside backup we use a cloud provider, based on the wishes of the customer. This scenario is also the reason, why we would like to have an applicance approach.