
  • Files and folders were skipped during backup, error 1603
    Any idea why this “feature” was added”? I hate it. I know which folders I skipped and why. I am constantly getting calls from clients because the daily status email includes this information which scares them. Include it in the plan settings spreadsheet if you must, but please take it out of the back up detail history and off the email notifications and plan statuses.
  • Associating S3 bucket with user
    Go to the users tab and click on users. Find the user you want and click on the green icon on the left. It has the MBS prefix that you can then find in Cloudberry Explorer.
  • Fast NTFS Scan Improvements?
    Thanks for the quick reply. Now if only we could enable Fast Scan via the MBS portal.
  • Backup Storage Question
    I recently switched all image and VHDx Cloud backups to BackBlaze B2 storage. Once per month is adequate for most clients, though some ( who tend to make app changes more frequently) get weekly image/ VHDx backups.
    The thing that is not discussed is that you do not need the VM version of MSP 360 to do HYPERV Backups/ recovery. Simply backing up the VHDx files and the .xml files is sufficient to provide for a Disaster Recovery.
    For those with very slow upload speeds, I tend to do fulls two-three times per year and incrementals each month, and am waiting for the synthetic backup for BackBlaze to be released in the MBS code.
  • Backup Storage Question
    We do monthly full backups for all of our file-based backups, since only files that get changed during he month are re-uploaded in full during a "full" backup. These tend to be Quickbooks files, psts, and operational spreadsheets that change frequently during the month. Still, they represent only a small percentage of the overall files that change, so fulls once a month is fine.
  • Stop / Start Initial Backup - Bandwidth Adjustments
    Also, The bandwidth throttling recognizes if you have multiple plans running simultaneously and splits the available bandwith between them.
  • Unfinished Large Files
    That works. Thanks
  • Unfinished Large Files
    Has there been any development on this on the MSP360 side?
    Regretting switching to Backblaze as I’m getting charged for unfinished file uploads. Would consider Wasabi, but required 90 day retention is too much for Image backups, as we do once-per-month fulls, and only store one.
  • Problems with Google Nearline backups all of a sudden
    I have sent in many sets of logs to Ticket #293616 - Just got another one - that makes 11 different clients. Seems to get hung up on one file - thought it was just large files but the most recent failure waa on a file that is under 1MB. Hoping that someone can fill me in on what is going on.
  • Versioning - Full Backups and Large Datasets
    Our approach to client backup/ recovery using MSP360 MBS is a bit different, and is based on separating data file recovery from OS/ system recovery.
    For the data files we use file level backup to a local USB drive and to the Cloud. The initial Cloud backup takes a long time, but after that, only files that have been added or modified are uploaded, typically a very small amount of data. The retention period for versions is usually 90 days. We run “full” file backups one a week, which are only marginally bigger than a block level backup.

    For operational OS/System Recovery ( meaning any issue that requires a reload), we do daily or weekly Image backups of the C: Drive to the local USB drive, but exclude the folders/drives that contain the data files as they are backed up at the file level.

    For true Disaster Recovery ( when the server PC and the local USB drive are unusable) we run monthly Full Image backups to the Cloud, again excluding the data folders.
    These Image Backups typically range from 25GB to 100GB or so and we keep two month’s worth in the Cloud.
    We do not see the need for ( or have the bandwidth for) a daily Cloud Image backup, or even weekly for most customers whose OS and apps do not change often.
    To recover we do a Bare Metal image recovery from the USB or Cloud, then restore the files to the most recent backup.
    Other notes
    At 30mbps, you should be able to upload 10-13GB per hour, meaning a 50 GB system image would
    take under 5 hours to upload to the Cloud. And most recoveries can utilize the local image backup.
    We have a customer with 3 TB of data and have no trouble running the local and file cloud backups each night and the OS images on the weekends.
    We employ this same approach for our clients with HYper-V instances. We try to create separate VHDx files for the data drive so that we can exclude them.
    I realize that other MSP’s have different approaches and requirements, but this strategy has worked well for the 60 servers that we support.
    I would be happy to discuss the details of different strategies with you either in this forum or offline.
  • We should be able to rollback to an earlier software version in the MSP console
    It is for this reason that I keep the new version in the sandbox and leave the old version as public until a new version comes out. I update using the sandbox build and can roll back if necessary using the public build.
  • disabled "backup agent" and CLI and master passwords
    Will the Options Menu in the RMM Portal also include a checkbox for "Protect CLI Master PW? And do you have a rough timeframe for a rollout?
  • Changelog for
    I see that there are some Release Notes for this new version on the MBS Help Site.
    Backup Agent for Windows 6.2 (25-Sep-2019)
    - Item-level restore for MS Exchange 2013/2016/2019 (beta)
    - Restore VMDK or VHDX from VMware/Hyper-V backup
    - Bandwidth throttling across all plans
    - Real-time improvements (support of Shared folders, NAS storage, Microsoft Office files)

      Can you elaborate on the changes/Improvements made to Realtime Backup?
      Also - it appears that the "Realtime Backup" actually "runs" every 15 minutes. Is it actually capturing all file changes in the interim, such that if a single file had multiple versions saved in the 15 minute interval that it would upload all of the those versions? If not, then why would I not just have the backup run every five minutes,and also allows me to specify the timeframe (e.g. 8am to 7pm) that I want the plan to run?
  • Anybody experiencing elongated Image/VM Cloud Backup times?
    Looks Like Optimum is doing some traffic shaping for large uploads. Using the Backblaze Bandwidth Test utility - our Optimum route gave only 3.1 mbps up. When we used a VPN to connect via a diffferent ISP, we got 25.8 Mbps up to Backblaze. We got similar result going to Amazon and Google Storage Platforms.
    Ookla Speedtest shows full speed via Optimum. We have opened a case with Optimum, but would like to hear from anyone using Optimum if they are getting similar results.
  • Anybody experiencing elongated Image/VM Cloud Backup times?
    Thanks Matt, posted here as others may not realize the runtimes are longer since the plans eventually complete, and thus may not be noticed.
  • help to create a Backup strategy
    Have you considered using redirected folders for the workstations? No need to backup the individual PCs since the data is in their user folder on the server. We keep a base image of a standard workstation build for each client if they special software installed, but using redirected folders saves us a lot of money and time.
  • Master Password Reset
    I don’t want to make a big deal of this, but if the Master Password reset button does not really do anything useful, what is the point of having it? I don’t understand the use case for it. The Master Password itself is great, as are the recent improvements to protect / encrypt it, but I cannot think of a situation where anyone would need to use the password reset button that you provide. There perhaps should be a “forgot password” link so that if our clients forget the Master pw, they know what to do - “contact your Backup Service provider”.
    If one of our clients does reset the password, they will not know that the account password was cleared. And if they don’t call us right away and tell us what they did, all of their backups will fail with the “object reference not set to an instance of an object” error.
    Since very few of our clients use the console, this is not likely to be an issue for us. But other MSP’s might run into the above scenario, where the client expects the reset password link to operate like a normal reset does - sending an email with a link, etc, etc.
    So unless I am missing something, ( very possible), I would ask that you consider replacing the “reset pw” link with a “Forgot password” link that does nothing but popup the “contact your admin” dialog box.
    If you decide to leave it, please change the warning popup to say something to the effect of : Your backup account password will be cleared, and will need to be reentered to resume backup operation.
    And I will hope to see a setting in the rebranding options at some point to allow us to hide the “reset master password” link.
    Thank you.
  • Master Password Reset
    Thanks for the reply. I tested it and it does as you stated - clears out the password for the User account. So if someone knew that password, they could bypass the Master console password altogether. (I assume that the account password is not stored locally on the machine anywhere).
    My thoughts:
    For the MBS version, why not just put up a dialog box that says - "Please contact your administrator/storage provider" like you do for the "forgot password" in the User account credentials screen?
    We can change the master password for any machine from the MBS console so I do not need a password reset button in the device console, and the few clients who actually use the console themselves can always call and have us reset it (or tell them what it is).
  • CloudBerry MBS Backup Agent. Release Update 6.1.1 – August 6, 2019
    Kudos for the security improvements in the master console password and the ability to prevent deletion of backups from the agent console. I tested it and it works - the delete option is gone.
  • MBS Web Console. Release Update 4.5 – August 6, 2019
    Lots of long-awaited features - ( I can finally delete old machines!)
    One gripe: Not liking that the Backup History in RMM now bringing me to the graphical history overview. When I want to troubleshoot to see what plans ran, what files failed, etc, I now have to go to Plans, select Legacy mode, then click Backup History, and then I can see the detailed history of all plans/ files.
    Would prefer a direct link to the detailed history from the main “gear” dropdown