• Error 1003 Disk I/O
    iirc, the fix for us was to rename the database file and let it build a new one

    EDIT: Found the email reply:

    - Open the Online Backup software and make sure there are no running plans.
    - In the bottom left corner, right click "Backup Service" and choose "Stop Service". Do the same for RM Service if you can see it.
    - After that, close the Online Backup software interface.
    - Navigate to the database location: C:\ProgramData\Online Backup\Data\
    - Rename "CBBackup.db" to "CBBackup-old.db"
    - Relaunch the Online Backup software, and the repository synchronization process should be started automatically.
    - You will need to start Backup Services back manually by right clicking them and choosing Start Service.
  • Error 1003 Disk I/O
    Doesn't look like we have an active support plan. Any idea what it costs to get one, or if there's another place for one off support like this?

    EDIT: I also just submitted the logs, which resulted in another disk i/o error when I hit submit
  • Error 1003 Disk I/O

    EDIT: I just updated the software to and now on boot I get an error "Error on filling history list". I hit start for backup but it doesn't seem to do anything so far.

    I tried creating another restore job and I get "disk I/O error (on two lines) after I click next to select the NAS Backup. I can go into the 3 lines next to the nas backup, however, and click edit and then click to test the credentials and it comes back OK

    I also get an error when trying to delete our wasabi account from the storage settings (we stopped using it a year ago)
  • Error 1003 Disk I/O

    HI David,

    Thanks for replying.

    It's Build . We have a NASBackup folder on the NAS, and then Cloudberry connects to that as the backup path \\IPADDRESS\NASBackup. Looks like the last backups through this system were late December.