I really like that Archive mode will be overhauled and be the default mode. Coming from having used and still use Acronis True Image i would suggest to having the option to perform Archive backups creating only one (1) final file instead of todays several files.
And, there must be a way to having the possibility to move one archive to another computer and easly restore it. Please store all meta data within the archive file so one can move an archive to another computer and being able to restore it on the second computer. This does not work today. CBB cannot use just the archive to restore and this is a major drawback if the drive fails but you happen to have a backup of the backup on another drive.
This is the case for all backup modes, that you cannot freely move the backup and place it in another folder and having CBB to "read" those backups and restore the files. For me any backup application should be able to restore backups if a disaster happens such as the media were the backup is located dies.
When using Acronis True Image i can move my backup files to a fresh install of Windows and place them anywhere and restore the files without problems. Acronis True Image stores everything in the single backup file, so there is no need for some kind of CBB_Configuration to be placed at the correct file path and on the exact drive letter.
As for having problems to restore Archive mode backups:
On the attached image i want to restore the file named Mail.pst . If i right click on the file Mail.pst and choose Restore in the pop-up the restore will fail, every time. If i right click on the folder to the left in the image named Outlook and choose restore everything works as expected. Seems like a bug to me.
So, even if i choose Restore when i click on a file in an Archive backup the restore will fail. This is not the case for Advanced or Simple mode backups. Try it and you will see the difference. I am using CBB version
If there is a beta for 7.0, please sign me up!
I want to switch from Acronis True Image to CBB due to the option to choose different cloud options. Acronis True Image is limited to Acronis Cloud only and their cloud is sub par compared to other alternatives. But today i have some concerns regarding CBB since restoring files are imo flawed. Restoring must be flexible and should not just work as expected when the computer works. If the backup drive dies i should be able to restore from backups of the backup i have placed on an external drive without any workarounds and lot´s of testings. Restore must be rock solid, everytime.
Skip the CBB_Configuration and store all data required for CBB to being able to restore within each backup. I expect that having the folder 20200305144702 that for me is located at K:\CBB_Z440\CBB_Archive\Test\archive.cbl$ should be the only folder needed for a complete restore. CBB must be able to scan that folder and find all necessary meta data required for a restore.