• Remote Assistant Security Functions

    I could have worded it differently. I really meant to say "If such a feature could be done at all, it would certainly be behind a paywall.

    That is more of a teamviewer kind of feature. I would hate to see this product turn into a TV clone rather than its own distinct product.

    The other brute force resistant features i would think could strictly be implemented client side and fairly trivial to implement.
  • Remote Assistant Security Functions
    I like the first two suggestions. I can't imagine email alerts would ever be available other than behind a paywall.
  • Computer ID has spontaneously changed
    it would be beneficial if it was alot harder to change the id. my experience is that if remote assistant runs into any issue reading the configuration information, it will not retry and log any real errors. it will simply make up a new id. far from ideal. it would be nice if it would store the current id in a couple of different areas including file system and registry for it to fall back on and instead log errors reading any of them.
  • After update - 'myComputer' is already working on Remote Computer....
    same problem. have not tried reinstalling. one machine was a usual upgrade. the other had some odd error during upgrade so it forgot the id and all settings. had to generate new keys. this probably rules out the suggestion that regenerating keys will fix it. all machines involved were on latest version.
  • Disconnect when using Remote Assistance when prompting permission to install
    when you install the full unattended version, default setting is view only unless you change it. Might check that next time?

    My father has a fairly unreliable internet connection (extreme rural) some days remote control does not work very well but cannot blame the product. I do wish it would show some kind of message rather than just freeze the screen when it has trouble communicating.
  • Disconnect when using Remote Assistance when prompting permission to install
    I don't think it is possible for Cloudberry Lab to ever enable a userspace application (quick support) to interact with a UAC prompt window. In my Domain environment, username and password is required. userspace applications cannot interact with uac prompts by design, uac prompts are outside of that space. Unless cloudberry thinks they have a workaround?
  • Android Application Support
    I would like to beta test as well. I really need to break the teamviewer habbit